Saturday, May 14, 2011

How to Control Your Health

In "Recapture Your Health," the authors have given the reader the power to take control of their own health, regardless of a specific diagnosis, financial standing or insurance issues. This book provides a proven, sure-fire way to take care of yourself in your own home, on your own terms. There is no need for a specific diagnosis, therefore making this book applicable to anyone who wants to take the necessary steps to better health. The steps required for better health cost nearly nothing, so there is no need for expensive supplements, special foods, or costly medical insurance.

This book is set up in an extremely easy to use format. While it is recommended to read the whole book to better help you implement this program, the authors have provided a number of "Quick Start Guides" on each subject so that the reader can implement the program immediately as he or she reads through the book.

Part I of the book discusses the individual segments of the "3LS Program". These segments are: "Skilled Relaxation", "Perfect Whole Foods Diet" and "Right Exercise". Each segment (or "leg" as referred to by the authors) is explained in detail, and is shown how to work with the other legs of the program. In addition to simply explaining each leg of the program, the authors also help show how to put them into practice in your everyday life.

In Part II, holistic healing takes center stage as the authors explain the general practice of holistic healing and how it pertains to the 3LS Program. This is also where the authors go into more detail on chronic illness and how the 3LS Program can help combat the symptoms of illness. The book goes into further detail on chronic illness, showing there is more than one way to implement the 3LS Program, including using it concurrently with traditional medicine. Finally, the authors go into the ways that health is about more than the physical aspect, but also of emotional well being.

Regardless of a diagnosis or specific health need, this book would be beneficial to anyone who is trying to get control of their overall health. While we all know that eating right, exercising and relaxing are important to our health, this book explains very clearly and easily how we can make these three things work together to make us healthier. It is always a big step to make major changes to your lifestyle, but in "Recapture Your Health," the authors guide you through it step by step, making it much easier to make the necessary changes.